Why is everyone on nails and is it really good for health?

Everyone on nails Misc

In the late afternoon, a new trend appeared in the field of health care – many suddenly decided to stand on nails en masse. Everyone learned that you can stand on boards with nails thanks to TikTok, in the feed of which such videos began to appear more and more often. Later, this theme was picked up by many celebrities and bloggers, turning nailing into one of the main wellness trends.

We will tell you more about what a sadhu board is and why people stand on it, exposing themselves to pain, in this article. And if you don’t have enough thrills – you can play in the casino or bet on the 22Bet website.

Nailing originated in India, and the practice itself is over two thousand years old. The boards on which the technique is practiced are called “Sadhu”. In general, sadhus are ascetics who have renounced material wealth and devoted themselves to the knowledge of life and spirituality. It was they who first tried to practice nailing.

Since then, of course, the practice has changed. If sadhus stood up on nails to get closer to the soul and plunge into a deep meditative state, then over time people began to get up, among other things, in order to get rid of blocks in the body or make a financial leap. So nails are now an additional tool for psychological work, which has nothing to do with magic and esotericism.

The benefits of nailing can conditionally be divided into several aspects: physical, mental, and energy.

What happens to the body on a physical level:

  1. Deep foot massage: there we have more than 70,000 nerve endings that affect the internal organs. It turns out that the nerve endings send signals to the internal organs, and they, in turn, check the accuracy of their work;
  2. Acceleration of blood flow (blood accelerates, so our body receives more oxygen);
  3. Acceleration of lymph flow (lymph flow is responsible for the removal of toxins from our system (alcohol, tobacco smoke, and so on). Standing on nails accelerates the lymph and helps it remove harmful substances from our body;
  4. Adrenaline release (immunity increases, metabolism accelerates).

What happens to the mental (psychological) state:

  1. Reduced anxiety;
  2. Improves the quality of sleep by slowing down thoughts;
  3. Increased resistance to stress;
  4. Repressed emotions come out.

What happens to the energy and spiritual state:

  1. Impact on our energy field. Due to the purification at all levels, the vibrations of the whole body increase in us. Many work on nails with negative attitudes, which also affects our energy;
  2. There is an acceptance of oneself, various life situations, acceptance of loved ones, letting go of grievances and experiences;
  3. Insights come: due to the fact that while standing we are able to enter our subconscious, insights, solutions, etc. can come to our head.
  4. Entering a deep meditative state: Due to the slowing down of thoughts, we can feel the state of “here and now”.

The difference between nailing and nail therapy

People always stand on nails with intent. It, by the way, can be anything: let go of past relationships, accept yourself, cope with a psychosomatic disorder, and so on.

It is important to consider that during the nailing, the guide will not help you work through your request. The main work will need to be done independently.

What does the guide do during nailing:

  • Helps you to formulate intention;
  • Helps to stand on nails, monitors safety;
  • Helps in the process;
  • Immerses in meditation, encourages, talks to you.

During nail therapy, the guide does the same, but with the help of various tools (energy therapy, meditation, knowledge in the field of psychosomatics, etc.), he works with your request and conducts therapy. Important thing: nailing and nail therapy should not replace psychotherapy.

In addition to the benefits, of course, this practice has contraindications. Some of them are: feeling unwell; mental illness; decompensated diabetes mellitus; blood diseases; diabetic foot; phlebeurysm; epilepsy; severe cardiovascular disease; pregnancy; oncological diseases; skin diseases of the feet, etc.

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